
Pastoral Response to Religious Controversy

Pastoral Response to Religious Controversy
What are we to do with the Jesus Family Tomb, the DaVinci Code, the Haggard Scandal, etc.?

It is a Saturday at 10:30 PM and I am quite unlike most pastors at this particular hour. Most other pastors are either a) asleep already or b) at their church running through their messages, one last time honey, before—if it doesn’t go well—they go through it once again in the morning. These correspond to those pastors who, unlike me, are a) over forty years old or b) a senior pastor and preaching tomorrow. I am not preaching tomorrow. Instead, I will be what large churches call “the announcements guy.” I’ll get up and do the announcements, which we call the “strategic concerns.” Only the people in the church find them to be less strategic than getting some extra sleep that morning—which is why they will come ten minutes late and miss the announcements. Unless it snows—and they may elect not to come at all...

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Blogger JohnLDrury said...

Thanks for this! Helps me prepare how to respond differently to the different needs of people.

04 March, 2007  
Blogger Ken Schenck said...

When did you start using the blog format for response? It helps me!

Thanks for the view from the pew! I wasn't even going to write on it until your Dad threw the gauntlet down--if a Biblehead doesn't talk when these things come up, what good are you for the church?

05 March, 2007  
Blogger David Drury said...

Great point, Ken. And if a pastor doesn't speak to it with their people there's a problem too. We have to be the resident "bibleheads" too. :-)

The response blog is about 9 months old... so glad you're here, Doc.

But i'm not sure I want you to invite OnceAWes.

just kidding\


19 March, 2007  
Blogger tonymyles said...

Maybe I'm a bit off topic... maybe not...

but do you miss preaching every week?

29 March, 2007  
Blogger David Drury said...

Tony - Sometimes, yes. But back when I was preaching every week I missed when I wasn't. :-) The grass may always be greener.

I may work best within a teaching team.

We'll see.

02 April, 2007  
Blogger tonymyles said...

Now that I've read your more recent post, it seems this question wasn't off topic after all.

Wish/pray/hope for the best... knock on every door and see which one(s) the Lord swings open. You have some great gifts that will bless the Kingdom in some fresh ways.

23 April, 2007  

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